寳水堂(ほうすいどう)コレクションは、水野義之(昭和四年~平成十六年)が,急速 に失われてゆく農村文化を惜しむ気持ちから、情熱を持って集めた民具や民芸品のコレクシ ョンです。 故郷は広島県中央の豊栄町安宿(あすか)で、奈良飛鳥に繋がる古代史にも登場す る長閑な里です。明治時代、義之の曽祖父が、敷地内に湧く豊かな水を利用して一時期“ 紺屋”を営みました。その屋号「寳水堂」に因んで、 “寳水堂コレクション”と名付けました。 コレクションは藍染古布を中心に大正ガラス・土人形・看板・稲作農具など多岐に渡ります。
Collected by Yoshiyuki Mizuno (1924-2004) who regretted the decline of farm village culture. The collection contains several thousand items, mainly Mingu (handmade tools used by the common people, mostly made of natural materials) and folk crafts. In particular he collected passionately old cloths of indigo dyes. He must have witnessed many lives through these cloths that tell stories of weavers, dyers and the people who used them. Housuido is the name of our ancestor who was a dyer about 100 years ago when people had a closer relationship with nature. Every article in this collection was once used in everyday life. The spirit of our ancestors can help us solve the problems of modern society. We hope many people see this collection and can witness the Japanese mind. We would especially like this exhibition to be seen by children to pass on the wisdom of ancient people. I believe it gives them power to live.